
hello sunset.

- hi Ju.

- hi Sunset.
you came so early today.

- you know...it's the boss Mr. Summer...he's coming soon so i've to come early.
i was crazy to see you today.
how are you?
sorry, i'm so talkative today...

- why are you so talkative today?
and i'm ok. thanks for asking me. and you?
i don't like your boss. i prefer Mr. Winter or Mrs. Autumn.
i was crazy to see you too.

- you're welcome. i really like to know how you are.
i'm happy (and don't ask me 'why?' ok? i REALLY don't know what's going on with me).
oh...i hate Mr. Summer. all the girls like him just because he's...hot. that's pathetic.
and you don't look 'ok' as you said. say the truth.

- i still don't understand why you like to know how i am. nobody cares like you care. (except from my parents, of course.)
SHIT, just because i was already typing 'why are you so happy?' HAHAH
and the girls who like Mr. Summer are just...normals, you know...and this reminds me that song...
ok, i'm not ok but i'm can pretend i'm ok so i said i'm ok.

- Ju...you can't pretend to me. i'm the Super-Sunset, remember?
what song? i don't know any summer song, sorry.
and look: you're not ok and i'm happy. i've to make you feel better somehow. what can i do to help you?

- you don't 'have to' make me feel better...
"summer..." something, by aerosmith. i don't know.

- yeah, you're right. i don't have to but i want to.
i don't like aerosmith.

- me neither.

- wait a minute.

- ok.

[a few minutes later]

- i'm back.

- hi.

- hey.
look to the sky.

- why?

- did you like it?


- i knew you'd like it.

- like it? i LOVE it!
oh...thanks...thank you very much...

- orange sky makes you feel better. good to know it.

- why?

- it doesn't matter. how about a purple sky now, huh?

- could you...

- hahhahaha

- PURPLE AND ORANGE SKY! hahauehaheauehahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

- hahahahhahhahahaha
oh, i like you so much.

- purple sky! orange sky! that's amazing!
hmm...i like you too...

- what?...oh, sorry...i didn't...i'd...you're...i didn't suppose to say that.

- hahah it's ok.

- no. it's not.

- why?

- nevermind. look to the sky again please.

- holy shit! pink! PINK CLOUDS!
oh, pink smells so good...ops.
god, i love it!

- great.

- yeah, great.

- wonderful.

- yeah.

- what?

- what's the matter?

- nothing. i'm ok.

- no you're not.

- yes, i am.

- liar. why? the sky was not enough?

- this sky is one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen. thank you.

- so...why you're not ok?

- 'cuz i know you're leaving.

- i won't disappear.

- yes, you will. and the coloful sky will disappear with you.

- you can enjoy this sky while i don't leave.

- i could enjoy if you were not leaving right now.
you're so fast.

- i'm sorry.

- hey, shit happens. it's ok. =]

- ok. sorry.

- it's ok. i wish i didn't know these things.

- i'm glad you know these things. it makes you a bigger girl (not a Mr. Summer girl hahaha).

- i don't want to be bigger. (i like to be thin. hahahha) i want to be here and look to your purple-orange-pink sky forever.

- you can't.

- so why did you make this beautiful sky for just a few minutes?

- 'cuz i wanted to make you feel better (and 'cuz i wanted to look bigger than i am and the most powerful star but...hmmm, i guess it doesn't matter...)
i have to go, Ju.

- i knew it. ok.
thanks. now i'm feeling worse than before. boring.

- don't be dramatic...

- sorry.
come back tomorrow, ok? don't disappear.

- as you wish.

- bye.

- bye.

[next affternoon]

- Sunset? are you there?


[a gray sky day]

- hey, Sunset? how about a purple sky to make you fell bigger, huh?


[a blue sky day]

- Sunset?


- Super-Sunset, did you know sometimes the most important stars make an eclipse?


- i don't care if you tell me this is a lie.


- Sunset?


- Sunset, i know you won't talk to me but thanks for this beautiful sunset today, ok? it really made me fell better.


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